Friday, February 29, 2008

Check out the Youth Edition of Green Freedom

As of today the March edition of Green Freedom is up and running. Green Freedom this month is focused on Youth and the Environment. Keep checking back for new posts.

Ben Rogers

Friday, February 22, 2008

Why do we have a Blog?

We at Green Freedom have seen a need to have a place where people can comment on our writing, where we can include many pictures taken by the Staff at the Environmental Center and a place where the different teams can submit updates on what they are doing right now. We hope that this Blog becomes a source for information on the inner workings of the Fort Lewis College Environmental Center.

Ben Rogers

Thursday, February 21, 2008

It's easy being green

In the words of Kermit the Frog, "It's not easy being green."

Well Kermit I'm sorry to say but your wrong frog.

being green is acutally quite easy. To be green you don't have to be buy organic or spend hundreds of dollars to buy "green" goods. All you have to do is think before you do. Look for the energy star appliances, the enery efficient light bulbs, and try to carpool. These products cost about the same when you buy them and in the long run could save you hundreds. If you do little things like that you will make a difference in the world.

If everyone would just do what they can then the world would be a cleaner place.

Ben Rogers

Welcome to the Green Freedom Blog

This is the Blog component to the Green Freedom online magazine created by the Fort Lewis College Environmental Center. Green Freedom is a thematic monthly magazine. For the Month of February the theme is Green Building. Next month, March is youth. Check out the Website at

Ben Rogers