Thursday, February 21, 2008

It's easy being green

In the words of Kermit the Frog, "It's not easy being green."

Well Kermit I'm sorry to say but your wrong frog.

being green is acutally quite easy. To be green you don't have to be buy organic or spend hundreds of dollars to buy "green" goods. All you have to do is think before you do. Look for the energy star appliances, the enery efficient light bulbs, and try to carpool. These products cost about the same when you buy them and in the long run could save you hundreds. If you do little things like that you will make a difference in the world.

If everyone would just do what they can then the world would be a cleaner place.

Ben Rogers

1 comment:

ncerteza said...

what does "being green" mean? does it require us to become vegans? does it require us to walk as our only means of transportation? does it require us not to shower?
to me, it seems there are varying degrees of being green, yet they arent required of us to implement, so many choose to be white, because sometimes green doesnt always match up with our outfit or our perception of "green". being green is as easy as observing the trees and asking why are trees green. once we begin to understand why nature is green, we'll start to wonder why our homes, cars, food, roads, water arent "green." the knowledge of what is green and how much isnt green is where living green begins.